Best Plant Containers for Terrace Gardens

Best Plant Containers for terrace gardens

Source: Freepik

Imagine stepping onto your terrace, not into a concrete jungle, but into a vibrant oasis. Lush greenery spills from overflowing pots, butterflies flit between fragrant flowers, and the gentle hum of bees fills the air. This is the magic of terrace gardening, a haven you can cultivate in the heart of urban life. But before your botanical dreams take root, you need the perfect canvas: your containers.

Choosing the right plant container is important for the success of your plants. The container you choose should be the right size and weight for your plants, have proper drainage, and be made of durable materials. 

Jump in to find out all about them.

How to Choose Your Plant Containers

Before diving into the pot-pourri of choices, consider your terrace’s unique microclimate. Is it sun-drenched all day or a shady sanctuary? Does the wind whip through, or is it a calm oasis? These factors will influence your container material and drainage needs. Remember, the perfect pot is a marriage of your plant’s needs and your terrace’s personality.

Now, let’s dive into the world of container materials, each with its own quirks and charms.

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Terracotta Plant Containers

Terracotta Plant Containers

Terracotta’s earthy elegance is undeniable, adding a touch of rustic charm. Its porous nature allows for excellent air circulation, keeping roots happy. However, this breathability comes with a thirst for water—terracotta pots dry out quickly, especially in hot weather. They’re also heavy and prone to cracking in extreme temperatures. So, if you’re a forgetful waterer or live in a climate with dramatic weather swings, terracotta might not be your best friend.

Plastic Plant Containers

Plastic Plant Containers

Plastic pots are lightweight champions, affordable, and available in a rainbow of colors and shapes. They’re easy to move around and retain moisture well. But their advantages come with a cost. Plastic can melt in extreme heat, fade over time, and offer less breathability. Additionally, concerns about plastic production and disposal raise an environmental question mark. If plastic is your choice, opt for recycled or durable options.

Wood Plant Containers

Wood Plant Containers

Wooden planters add a touch of rustic whimsy to any terrace. They’re naturally insulating and come in a variety of styles, from rustic barrels to sleek modern boxes. However, wood requires regular maintenance to prevent rot and insect infestation. It can also be heavy and expensive, especially for larger planters.

Metal Plant Containers

Metal Plant Containers

Metal pots bring a modern edge, with sleek lines and a variety of finishes. They’re durable and often come with good drainage. However, metal can heat up quickly in direct sun, potentially scorching roots. Additionally, drainage holes might be inadequate, requiring some DIY adjustments.

Here are some additional tips for choosing the best plant containers for your terrace garden:

  1. Consider the size of your plants: Choose a container that is large enough to accommodate the root system of your plants. If your plants are small or have shallow roots, smaller containers may be suitable. However, larger plants will need bigger containers to allow for adequate growth.
  2. Check for drainage holes: Good drainage is essential for the health of your plants. Make sure the container you choose has drainage holes to prevent water from pooling at the bottom of the container, which can lead to root rot.
  3. Choose durable materials: Terrace gardens are often exposed to harsh weather conditions, so choose containers made of durable materials that can withstand these conditions. Ceramic, terracotta, fiberglass, and wooden planters are all good options.
  4. Consider the weight of the container: If you plan to move your containers around, choose lightweight containers like plastic or fiberglass. However, heavier containers like ceramic or terracotta may be better for windy areas as they are less likely to tip over.
  5. Think about the overall aesthetic: Containers come in various shapes, colors, and designs, so choose one that complements the style of your terrace garden. Consider the color of your plants and choose a container that provides a good contrast.
  6. Ensure the container is suitable for your location: Consider the amount of sunlight your terrace garden receives and choose a container that is suitable for those conditions. Some materials like plastic may degrade in direct sunlight over time.

Additional Tips For a Healthy Terrace Garden

Terrace gardens are more than just pretty faces. They’re air purifiers, stress relievers, and culinary havens. They provide a sanctuary for pollinators, reduce urban heat island effects, and even offer a delicious bite of homegrown goodness. Whether you crave vibrant blooms, fragrant herbs, or juicy cherry tomatoes, your terrace can become your miniature Eden.

Lighting Matters

Not all plants thrive in full sun. For sun-sensitive varieties, consider shade sails or retractable awnings to provide dappled light or afternoon respite from the sun’s fury. You can also get creative with strategically placed trellises or tall plants to cast natural shade. Remember, happy plants are healthy plants, so cater to their light preferences.

The Magic of Mulch

Mulch is a gardener’s best friend. This natural blanket conserves moisture, suppresses weeds, regulates soil temperature, and adds a touch of rustic charm to your pots. Choose from a variety of options like shredded bark, compost, or even decorative pebbles. Apply a generous layer around your plants, leaving a small gap around the stem to prevent rot. Just remember, renew your mulch periodically to maintain its effectiveness.

Drainage Dilemmas

While adequate drainage holes are essential, the type of drainage can make a difference. Some pots offer raised bottoms that allow water to drain freely, while others have built-in saucers that collect excess moisture. For heavy rainfall regions, consider pots with overflow channels to prevent waterlogging. If your pots lack sufficient drainage, fear not! You can add a layer of gravel or broken pottery shards at the bottom to create a drainage layer. Just remember to clean out the drainage holes regularly to prevent them from clogging.

The Saucer Saga

Saucers are a double-edged sword. They catch messy drips, protecting your deck from water stains, but they can also become breeding grounds for mosquitoes if not emptied regularly. If you choose to use saucers, tip them slightly to encourage drainage, and don’t let water pool in them for long periods. Alternatively, consider using pot feet to elevate your pots slightly, allowing excess water to drain freely.

metal decorative pot feet for plan containers

Pest Patrol

Container gardens can attract unwanted guests like aphids and spider mites. But fear not, organic pest control options abound! With herbs like basil or marigolds, companion planting can deter certain pests. Neem oil sprays, diatomaceous earth, and insecticidal soap are natural alternatives to harsh chemicals. Remember, a healthy ecosystem with diverse plant life attracts beneficial insects that help keep the bad bugs in check.

Additional Accessories for Terrace Gardening Success

Self-Watering Systems

Let’s face it, even the most dedicated plant parents have vacations. Self-watering systems take the worry out of plant care. These clever contraptions deliver water directly to the roots, ensuring your green friends stay hydrated even in your absence. 

They come in various forms, from simple water reservoirs to complex drip irrigation systems. Choose one that suits your budget and plant needs.

Tools of the Trade

Now that you’ve chosen your perfect pots and plants, it’s time to equip yourself with the right tools for success. 

A good pair of gardening gloves to keep your hands happy and soil-free
Here’s our top pick you can get it on Amazon.

A sturdy trowel for digging and transplanting.
Here’s our top pick get it on Amazon.
A watering can with a gentle rose attachment
Here’s our top pick get it on Amazon.
A reliable pair of pruning shears
Here’s our top pick get it on Amazon.

These are essential companions for any busy green thumb. Don’t forget kneeling pads or a comfortable stool for long hours spent tending to your green haven.

Shape, Style, and the Aesthetics of Al Fresco Elegance

While material plays a crucial role, the shape and style of your pots can significantly impact your terrace’s overall aesthetic. 

Tall, narrow pots create a sense of verticality and drama, while wide, shallow containers add a touch of grounded charm. Play with different textures and colors to create a cohesive look or embrace a whimsical mix-and-match approach. 

Remember, your pots are an extension of your personality, so let them reflect your unique style!

Breathe New Life into Old Treasures

For the eco-conscious gardener, upcycling offers endless possibilities. Transform old wooden crates into rustic herb gardens, give vintage suitcases a second life as succulent havens, or repurpose galvanized buckets into sleek planters for aromatic flowers. 

vintage suitcase with succulents

Source: Pinterest

Get creative and let your imagination run wild! Upcycling not only reduces waste but also adds a personal touch to your terrace oasis.

Embracing the Vertical Garden Trend

Maximize your limited space with the magic of vertical gardens. Wall-mounted planters, hanging baskets, and trellises allow you to create cascading green walls, utilizing vertical space to its fullest potential. 

This is especially beneficial for small terraces or balconies where floor space is precious. Imagine trailing vines cascading down, fragrant herbs dangling within reach, and vibrant blooms dancing in the breeze—a vertical garden is a feast for the eyes and senses.

Read our Complete Guide to Building a Vertical Container Garden


Can I use the same container for different plants?

It depends! If the containers have good drainage and are the right size for the next plant, you can give them a good scrub and reuse them. However, be mindful of lingering pests or diseases and avoid cross-contamination.

How often should I water my plants in containers?

Frequency depends on factors like pot size, plant type, and weather. Stick your finger in the soil – if it feels dry an inch down, it’s watering time. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

What are some pest and disease prevention tips for container gardens?

Regularly inspect your plants for signs of trouble. Neem oil, insecticidal soap, and good air circulation can help deter pests. Remember, healthy plants are more resistant to both pests and diseases.

Can I grow vegetables in containers on my terrace?

Absolutely! Choose compact vegetable varieties like cherry tomatoes, peppers, or leafy greens. Ensure your pots have adequate drainage and provide plenty of sunlight. You might even be rewarded with delicious homegrown treats!

Where can I find inspiration for terrace garden designs?

Pinterest is a treasure trove of terrace garden inspiration! Explore blogs, gardening magazines, and even social media for stunning ideas. Remember, your terrace is your canvas – get creative and have fun!